Did you recently move to canada? or planning of moving? Then this is the right article for you. We all know how tough it is for newcomers to get settled in a different country, but the good news is that in canada everyone wants the success of newcomers. There are different organisations and groups that support newcomers and cater to their enquiries. Also this is a very friendly environment, canadians are known for being really helpful and friendly to immigrants. You actually have nothing to be scared about. we believe you can make it and thrive in this new space. Here are some guides that can help you get settled quickly.
Finding a place to stay before you actually land is one of the most important thing to do. Its quite difficult to get a permanent accommodation from your country, however its possible. Try finding possible permanent accommodation around the loaction of your choice. There are several sites that helps with accommodation search like Facebook marketplace, kijiji, Zellot etc, and if you are a student there should be some useful tips on your school website about finding accommodation. Also if you prefer coming and searching in person or you could not find any accommodation from your country you could book for a temporary stay at airbnbs or a hotel. This will give you enough time to search exactly and get the house of your choice.
Getting a canadian line and internet service is the next step after your arrival, so that you could be reached and also for the purpose of networking and job search, its expected there should be a canadian line thats reachable on your cv, so getting this is the next step after sorting out your accommodation.Also you would need your data for direction on maps. There are several service providers, its advisable to research your plan details and purchase the one that best fits your situation. There are various discounts going on, leverage this and get the right plan.
The next step is searching for the nearest service canada office and do get your social insurance number. Getting your SIN is very important because without this no company will employ you. Payments are made by employees to employers through their SIN to proper documentation.
Next is opening a canadian bank account. There are several banks to choose from depends on what services you would like. it is advisable to open a chequing and savings account, make sure to request for a credit account , so you can get a credit card and build your credit score. This will help tremendously in your stay in canada, as everything revolves around having getting a good credit score.
Apply for health insurance if you dont have one. For indivividuals who are coming through study route, there should be an insurance set up by the school. If not try applying for a health insurance, trust me you wouldnt want to pay for healthcare charges as they can be very high, its always safer to get an insurance.
Like i said at the begining of this article, everyone wants an immigrant to suceed, and canada as a whole is immigrant friendly, there are various organisations that are directed towards this course, the best advise is to leverage on this and get the most information and guide to help you navigate your new life in canada.
All the best, we are rooting for you. if this helped you please leave a comment, subscribe to our newletter for helpful tips.
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